How can chiropractic help a dog? Well...dogs, cats, horses and all other animals have a body that is run by nerves just like people. The really cool thing is that they respond to chiropractic adjustments just like people. This is how we know that chiropractic works and is not just a "placebo" because animals can't be "fooled into believing". Most people have been taught to think that humans are somehow physically different than animals. Forgetting that animals have brains and nerves that control their eyes, ears, hearts, and movements too. At Sound Chiropractic of Seattle, Dr. Silliker discusses "Survival Value", which is how humans are physically similar to animals and how important health and vitality is to survival. To find out if Chiropractic can help increase your survival value, call to schedule an appointment with Dr. Jason Silliker at Sound Chiropractic Center of Seattle.
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