Chronic lower back pain is a leading cause of job related disability and a leading contributor to missed work. Back pain is so common that the condition is often times considered "normal". For those whose pain doesn't go away with time, the pain can be unbearable and disabling. Activities and quality of daily life are diminished leading to fear avoidance behavior and depression.
Self care advice, physical therapy and medications while helpful to some are not always successful. For those who fail to respond the choice is between chronic mediacation usage and surgical procedures.
Evidence based research has shown chiropractic management of chronic pain to be effective in a short period of time, safe and cost effective. The results from the study highlighted above illustrate that patients can have faster relief of symptoms and disability without the use of medication. This chart illustrates the benefits of chiropractic management for chronic lower back pain.
Feel free to contact Dr. Jason Silliker or Dr. Paul Early at Sound Chiropractic Center to find out if chiropractic could help you. We are located 2 blocks east of Northgate Mall in Seattle on NE Northgate Way. We look forward to helping you soon.
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