Skin cells are coordinated the nervous system as is every other tissue of the body. Skin problems can be caused by physical, emotional, or chemical stresses. Medical care is designed to treat SYMPTOMS using steroid creams and other toxic drugs. However, the best method of treatment is to find the true cause of the problem. To find out why your cells are not functioning properly we need to look at the body's physical, chemical, and emotional state. Since the body is controlled by the nervous system, it is important to have your spine checked for nerve impingement problems as well as addressing nutrition and personal self-talk. Most importantly, by correcting the spine, we allow increased "life" to get from the brain to the tissue cell, thus allowing the body to create itself normally and reverse processes within this thing called a body. You might possibly find yourself with normal health better than you've been for years. Is this something you might want? Call 206-440-7700 to see if there is a natural solution for you today.
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